The Keshe Foundation has given Magrav Tech to the world open sourced and patent free.
Magrav Tech opens the door to a new age of enlightenment.
Below are just a few of the applications.
1. Infinite Food from the source field - ability to end world hunger
2. Healing of virtually any disease both known and unknown - Keshe Hospitals opening in the Middle East
3. Infinite energy - no more wars for profits over oil and gas
4. Infinite propulsion - earth and space travel
5. Regrowing of lost body parts through regenesis of the source field of the body.
6. Ability to control and manipulate magnetic gravitational force field in nature or artifically - this is used to achieve flight, flying cars, star ships etc wihtout any moving parts.
These are just a few of the amazing applications of Magrav Tech.
Use your imagination and see what applications you can think of!
Join us and the Keshe Foundation and do your part to make this a better world for all.