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The Plasma Healing Arm/Leg Band  is used as an all natural treatment for pain, inflammation and illness. 



  • The Arm/Leg band utilizes the forces of nature through the creation of white Co2 GANs. The white Co2 GANs is created via the standard scientific blueprint utilizing nano coated copper and zinc in a sea salt and spring water solution to create the Co2 GANs. 

  • The Co2 GANs is placed inside of a tube and sealed with a water proof seal and ready for use.

  • ​



  • Here is what some people are saying about the Plasma Health Arm/Leg Band.


Richard M, Texas:

I didn't feel any tingles but after sitting for 2 hours with the band around my knee i realized i had actually just set for 2 hours without my knee inflammation forcing me to get up.


Kelly R, Ohio:

I bought this for arthritis in my wrists. I have been setting at the computer typing with the health band under my wrists as i type. I have noticed i can type for much longer than i could before and they don't seem to hurt as much.


Brian K, Colorado:

I've used this on my shoulder and knees which always give me problems after years of playing sports when i was younger. Whatever it's doing it's working, thank you.



A great natural alternative to heal the body.


Let MaGrav Technology help your damaged cells  return back to their original healthy vibration and 

dna blueprint.

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COZMOZ ONLINE  does not give medical advice and for legal reasons the informational presented here is for entertainment purposes only.  To learn more about the medical applications of magrav please visit the official site of the Keshe foundation. COZMOZ ONLINE is not affiliated with Keshe Foundation or any other entity.  Any content or videos not directly owned by COZMOZ ONLINE is used under fair use and for entertainment or educational purposes only.

disclaimer and terms and conditions; cozmoz online and kf cozmoz online does not make any medical claims. gans, magrav and plasma technology is not a treatment or cure for any disease or illness. cozmoz online and kf cozmoz online does not give medical advice. if you are seeking medical advice please contact your doctor or the doctors at the keshe foundation, not affiliated. No refunds.  All sales final. Proceeds help support world peace projects. cozmoz online and kf cozmoz online does not give any promise or guaranties regarding our magrav products. All information on this website is for entertainment purposes only. All information is presented as-is including typos, errors and mistakes.  Thank you for your support and interest in magrav and the world of plasma science.


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