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(One Liquid-Health Pen (With co2 Gans)
The Health Pen (with co2 GANS spring water) is used as an all natural pain reliever, inflammation, tooth ache, headache and other similar aches and pains.
This Health Pen utilizes the Magnetic and Gravitational forces of nature that created the body to help heal the body.
place the tip (end) of the pen(tube) to any place on your body except the head.
For best result please treat all body aches and pains through the energy points on the hands and/or feet using the chart that comes with your order.
The Magnetic and Gravitational fields allow the damaged, inflamed or sick cells to reset back to their original healthy structure and state of being. Many are calling this technology a miracle but it's not magic it's just the newest science.
This is great for anyone who is suffering and especially for those who don't like to take pills or prescriptions or who just enjoy an all natural approach to their health and well being.
By utilizing Magrav technology this pen is one of the most advanced pieces of healing technology on the market today.
Building Process:
The Health Pen (with co2 GANS created using Sea Salt and Spring Water) starts first with the creation of the co2 gans which we created using the standard blueprint: nano coated copper plate and zinc plate connected through a copper wire then adding the proper mixture of salt and spring water. Once the co2 gans (white gans) copper+zinc, is created we then extract the spring water which is now infused with the magrav field. We then place the extracted co2 gans spring water with 3-5% actual gans into a tube for safe handling. Since this technology connects with the emotions we project lots of love and wishes for healing into each Health Pen we create. .
Hear is what some people are saying about the Health Pen:
New Year's Subject #1. Middle Aged Female with pain in knee. I held Pen #5 approximately 1/2" away from clothing, pointed at affected knee, moving it randomly (and found myself rotating pen along its axis in my hand, counterclockwise for some reason). At about 30 seconds she reported a warm sensation in a small area where it was pointing, that grew over the next minute or two. I applied it for between 5 and 7 minutes total. She reported pain relief and mobility, and went off to tell her friends about it.
New Year's Subject #2. Middle Aged Female with shoulder pain. She approached me and asked if I would try the pen on her. Same protocol as Subject #1 applied to Subject #2's shoulder. After 30 seconds or so, she reported a "calming" sensation of the muscle. Application continued for 5-7 minutes, then discontinued. She reached that arm around her back, touching the base of her spine with the hand of the arm that was treated. She reported that she had not been able to touch that area for the last 2 weeks because it hurt too much to try it. She expressed her elation and wanted to know how it worked. I jokingly said that it had fallen off an alien spacecraft -- I suspect I will come to regret that remark at some time in the future.
New Years Subject #3. Middle Aged Female with Elbow pain. She approached me for trial. Same protocol as previously stated. After approximately 60 seconds, she reported a warming feeling in her elbow, that she said felt "really good." At the end of the treatment she reported that she could move it without pain. I had her hold the pen for a couple of minutes in each hand. She reported not being able to sense anything unusual in her hands holding the pen.
New Years Subject #4. Middle Aged Female with knee pain, so intense she was limping and having difficulty getting up from a chair. She sought me out and asked for a test. Same protocol as previously used. She reported that she could feel "something" in the area the pen was pointed, but was unable to describe it. Following treatment, she reported that the pain was completely gone, and showed me by sitting down and getting up again repeatedly with a big smile on her face, and exhibiting what could be described as "joy". She wanted the pen to take home with her, but was told it was only experimental. I asked her to hold the pen in each hand for 3 minutes, and tell me if she felt anything unusual. She reported a faint tingling sensation in Left Hand only.
It's important to note that you may or may not feel a tingling, cool or warm sensation however whether you feel this sensation or not is regardless of the Health Pen allowing your cells to reset back to their original healthy structure.
The time of popping pills to relieve pain is over. Introducing the Keshe Health Pen. Using plasma technology, which is based on magnetic-gravitational field interaction, the pen emits plasma fields that penetrate up to 3cm below the skin, helping to bring the body back to balance. The Keshe Health Pen offers natural pain relief for acute and chronic pain. By sending controlled plasmatic fields to the brain through nerve pathways, the pen offers plasmatic magnetic-gravitational (Magravs) therapy for both young and old. Generating its own plasmatic Magravs fields, the Keshe Health Pen has no moving parts or batteries, making it lightweight, durable, portable and versatile. It can easily be carried in a shirt pocket or purse, and used over clothing any time, anywhere.
The Health Pen can be used to for the following:
How to use:
1) Apply on affected areas for 10 to 30minutes up to 3x daily.
1) Keep away from metal as it interferes with the dynamic flow of plasma which is needed for healing.
2) Keep away from sources of electromagnetism (radio, TV, cellphone, PC, etc.).
3) Do not apply to: - The eyes and regions around the eyes - Chest area over the heart - The front of the throat - Neurological part of the skull (the brain) - Internal organs - Infections - Patients who are running a fever (high temperature) should look into use the Gans of 1 life 1 cup to eliminate viruses;
Do not use on - Open wounds - Pregnant or breastfeeding women - In areas of metal and electrical implants / devices - Pacem
To treat areas like the eyes, head etc...use the chart above and place the pen on your hands or feet in the corresponding locations that need treatment. for maximum results treat through the hands and feet.
A great natural and organic way
to heal the body.
Let MaGrav allow your damaged cells to return back to their original healthy dna blueprint.
Magrav Crystal Tower Healing Unit
Use the power that created the body to heal the body.